environmental law centre

law health environment

Conference Papers are downloadable free of charge for private use only. Copyright permission must be sought from the Environmental Law Centre before any redistribution for public use and all authors must be acknowledged.


Conferences 2008

Title: Rights and Practice in the Family Courts
Date: 20th and 21st April 2008
Venue: The Great Hall, Saint Hill Castle, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 4JY
Find out more here


3-day International Conference: Science, Medicine and the Law
The Green Network in conjunction with the Environmental Law Centre
at RIBA, London on 31st Jan - 2nd Feb 2005

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity International
(MCS International) - London 2003
Misdiagnosed Illnesses - what you can do medically and legally

Prof Malcolm Hooper Engaging with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
This file (15.2MB) can be obtained from ELC for a donation of £5.00 incl. p&p
Prof Martin Pall Nitric oxide / peroxynitrite mechanism for multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (71KB
Prof Asaf Durakovic Undiagnosed Illnesses & the health consequences of Weapons of indescriminate Action and Radioactive Battlefield. (52KB)
Mr Paul Naylor Is this OP Poisoning? (35KB)
Dr Dick Van Steenis Doctor's lie over cocktail effects (69KB)
Dr Jorg Reißenweber Treatment Protocols for People effected by EMF (191KB)
Mr Alan Dalton Environmental Illness - will the law protect you? (31KB)
Prof Virginia Wong Can Acupuncture of the Tongue help Autism? (99KB)
Mrs Felicity Mankin My experience (34KB)
Mr Keith Foster Pathcurve Vortex & it beneficial effects on living organisms. (6,269KB)
Dr K S Badsha Right to Health in the UK and Justiciability? (99KB) (powerpoint Part 1 and 2)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Conference 2002 'Is it all in the mind?'

Mr A Donnay
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity ... or MUSES Syndrome?
(PowerPoint 2.3MB)
Doctor J Kees
Detoxification, Induced Self Tissue Repair and Restorative Medicine
(1.2 MB) (350k)
Professor W Maschewsky
( Germany)
MCS - Oversensitivity or Overexposure

Millennium Law & Human Rights 2000
Environmental Injustice = Human Rights Violations - Is there hope with the incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights into the British Legal System or is Europe the answer?
Dr Kartar Badsha Welcome address
Gerard James Justice? What Justice? Gerald recounts his experience of the Scott Enquiry and the blatant failure of the British Legal System
Nicola Rogers Environmental Injustice - Redress through the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998
Dr Adoko The Most Corrupt British Judges
Richard Buxton Problems enforcing Environmental Law in domestic Courts
William Merrick Can an ineffective legal system now become more practical for the people?
Peter Scott Enforcement of Environmental Quality Standards by individuals
Michael Chiu Is English Law Ethnic Friendly?



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